New Chapter OF Kanou

By Penny — In Company Blog — August 26, 2018

New Chapter for Kanou
—— kanou.Lv
Today is the first day for SZK (Shenzhen KANOU) to work in the new office. Although our new office is not a high-end commercial building, nor a luxurious, generous style plant, However I am very excited.

First thanks again to all my colleagues for joining in the moving of our company. It would be impossible for us to complete the move so efficiently within two days without everyone’s toil and sweat.

In the process of moving, many friends kindly reminded us: Why do not find a moving company to help you? I just smile and said nothing. First, I believe SZK colleagues have the ability to complete it, and also, it is clear that can minimize the loss of the move by you.

SZK colleagues have such a “blessing” to live on the “new home” today. I think there are many people we need to thanks for them:
First, we would like to thanks for our customers. 2015 will be the 10th anniversary of KANOU. In these 10 years of development, We would not grow to be so strong now if without any support and trust by our customers. If I should give a reason why KANOU to exist, no matter materially or spiritually, I would say, that is our customer. Especially our customers’ spur and encourage, has been guiding us forward.

In the new office, we will continue to adhere to our core value of seeking increasing perfection, we will strive for our enterprise mission of creating benefits for customers, working together with our customers, we try to make contribution to the refinement of human life. Here I represent SZK solemnly invitation, you are welcome to visit out new office of SZK at your convenience.

Secondly, we would like to thanks our partners. Without partners’ trust and support, SZK could not continue to provide customers with excellent products and services. They just like friends of Kanou , we grow together sharing happiness as well as woe and you support us to move forward. Here I would like to invite you too to drop in our office often and have a look.

Again, we would like to thank all the families of my colleagues. Without your support, KANOU colleagues could not dedicate themselves into work to make one .As big family all over the world ,Kanou burdened with the task of making a better future for every member. We all know that we work to make family life more and more better, I can very responsibly say that we will make unremitting efforts to this end. Welcome your families to see this
dream come true.

Finally, we would like to thank ourselves. KANOU is not a perfect organization, but we are trying to work more perfectly. Many colleagues may receive injustice or can’t show their talent temporarily and so on. But I’m sure we always have confidence in Kanou, this can be shown from your actions during this moving. I just want to give you everyone a hug……
Count in this moving, KANOU has moved office for four times.

The first time was in 2007, we moved from the home office to the 4th floor of St. mold in Xixiang, Shenzhen City. Kanou began to have the first official office space.

The second time is in the end of 2008, we moved to Huameiju, the new center in Baoan District , We kind of had a little bit more formal commercial office and our working environment had got some improvement.

The third time was in March 2010, in order to better service for our customers, we have moved to the First Industry Village in Fuyong, Baoan District, where we spent four and a half years and also where our Shenzhen Kanou experienced several years of rapid development. The number of employees increased from four to nearly 30 people, sales have increased by nearly 10-fold, the company’s management system is also gradually move towards normalization, enterprise culture has gradually formed a framework, our team also began to establish……

The fourth move, I spent nearly three months looking for office space, and finally I found such a place. Personally, I was quite satisfied. At the firstly, the new place is very close to the original address, which made our moving more convenient. Also our colleagues almost has not affected by this new address. At last, the new office has better transportation and the working environment is more proper for us in consideration of our present development period.
We can keep in mind the honor and history, but we could not immerse in the past. The moving is a new starting, KANOU need to continue to provide customers with better products and services, and strive to create benefits for customers.We need to create more opportunities for the development and welfare of my colleagues, our families can have no pressure to buy a car and more affordable to buy real estate, our sons and daughters can have a better living environment and so on.

We also hope that our loving fund has the ability to get out into community to make some positive contribution for them. To accomplish this, all the members of KANOU need to continue to do every little thing down to earth.
November 24th, 2014 is a new day, a new chapter in the history of the KANOU, more stories will happen in from here. We sincerely invite you to be the member of us.

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